Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Okay, not like I thought.

Well, I was hoping to make this a daily blog, but obviously I'm not keeping up w/it like I thought I would. That's me though... :)

Here's a Cameron funny that I'd like to share. He's such a silly little guy. Just thinking about him right now... makes me smile! :)

Yesterday, he was playing in his room while I was cleaning up the kitchen & he comes running to me.... "Mommy, I need to potty... bad!"
So we ran to the bathroom & *TA-DA!* - he pooped on the potty!!!
"YAY! What a big boy, Cam! I'm so proud of you!" and he responded.... "Yes, Mommy is proud of me. And Daddy is proud of me. And... (all of his grandparents & aunts! )And Baby Jesus is proud of me. It makes Baby Jesus happy when I poop on the potty!!"

Awww.... I bet Baby Jesus is so happy!! Is that not the CUTEST?! Ever since Christmas & learning about Jesus in the manger, etc. -he thinks Jesus is a baby!!

He's constantly saying & doing cute things! I just LUV this age. Yes, he definetly has his *Terrible Two's* moments, but nothing like some 2 yr olds I've known. Shane & I are blessed. :) Definetly.